The publication is going to happen. I’m satisfied enough, finally, to sign a contract to publish the book I’ve mentioned here that I wrote based on this blog. The decision was made in a most unusual way.
A publisher contacted me on Thursday to talk seriously about publishing my book. Then on Sat. evening my youngest son phoned to ask me to substitute for his wife as liturgist in our church’s worship because she had the stomach flu and was throwing up. The next day I decided to take 2 copies of my manuscript to church for the Pastor and Asst. Pastor to read. Then when I told the Pastor I was filling in to read scripture, he showed me the reading would be Rom. 5:1-5! What an amazing coincidence (or was it)! He was gracious enough to let me explain about my book before reading the scripture that was the basis of the book.
So the next morning I phoned the publisher, to sign the contract for publication.