This series begins with RECEIVING, and the rest of the practice involves SENDING or praying for people, as is recommended in scripture.
[As the reader goes ‘down’ the postings that ‘come after’ this one in descending order, there will be 6 posts, with each one focusing on one step.]
The last time I reported in this blog on the “Agape Prayer practice” was in the 7/27/10 posting. (Most of the postings in this blog for the last 2 years have been about the receiving that makes up this first step in the series.)
As St. Paul explained in his letters: for those who open themselves to be receptive, the spiritual power of agape flows to us as a gift from God; then agape flows through us out to other people, then to the rest of Creation in patient, kind, caring, compassionate, accepting, loving, respectful, joy-filled ways. Even though we know that the flow does not originate with us, but our faith development is strengthened by praying that process.
I developed 7 ‘steps’ with the practice, as I prayed for an expanding list of persons (a few of the ‘steps’ took a long time to develop, so I didn’t move from ‘step to step’ until I was fully ready). I’ll now give a general summary that makes this prayer practice available for anyone else to follow.
STEP 1 begins with receiving agape from God. We need to practice becoming fully aware of what agape feels like as it opens us up spiritually and then draws us close to God’s Presence.
Honestly and truly pray for God to use the power of agape to give you a vision of your well-being. Feel the power of agape flowing into the center of your being. Let the spiritual sensation come to you so you experience being drawn close to and opening up to both the personal Presence and vastness of eternity.
As St. Paul wrote: “God’s agape has flooded our inmost heart through the Holy Spirit … given us.” (Romans 5:5 New English Bible, with 'agape' left untranslated, as it was meant to be)
Of course, these steps are only possible because agape is not coming from you, but is actually the way the divine Presence is made manifest to all that God creates. Obviously, this prayer practice should lead to action -- to the power of agape actually flowing through your life’s work, out to actively helping the lives of people and to the care for Creation.