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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Step 2 of Agape Prayer Practice

Of the 7 steps involved with the Agape Prayer practice, STEP 2 begins the process of SENDING agape to other people. It starts with praying that the feeling you experienced personally in Step 1 happen in the life of a person you feel close to and respect.

This should be a person who is especially important in your life, possibly someone who had an influence on your spiritual development (maybe even a mentor or teacher). You should choose a person with whom you already have such a strong relationship that you deeply want that person to receive God’s agape in her or his life.

Honestly and truly pray for the well-being of that person. Feel the emotion of sharing in agape with that person. Feel the power of agape flowing into the center of that person’s being. Imagine that person being drawn close to and opening up to both God’s Presence intimately and the vastness of God’s Presence spreading throughout all Creation.

As you pray for this person, you should experience the spiritual concern that this person will find personal well-being and deep sense of peace.

Next, as you slowly, steadily practice steps 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, you will find yourself developing the deep, spiritual attitude of benevolence which seeks the well-being and happiness of others.

You should practice these steps from an attitude of realizing that agape is not originating with you; but instead, you are merely following the divine Presence manifesting the power of agape in the life of the person you are holding in prayer. Over several months spent prayerfully following God’s agape to bring well-being and deep joy to others, you will begin to experience a spreading of peace throughout your life.

As you continue this practice the power of agape should be felt flowing through your daily life, out to strengthen your relationships.

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