So many months have gone by since I last posted because I was publishing my book based on this blog (Seven Steps of Agape Prayer). Also I wasted a few months in the almost futile attempt to sell copies (only 19 sold so far). Finally, I recently completed for a local church in Denver leading a 5-week series of evening group meditations based on Agape Prayer.
So now I can concentrate once again on posting to this blog. More than 4 years have gone by since I started this blog. And exactly a year ago yesterday I posted here my report about the amazing ‘coincidence’ that happened in a church worship service leading me to decide to submit my manuscript to a self-publishing company. So looking back over the year, I find it has been an exhilarating experience.
Leading the group meditations, using the steps outlined in my book, proved to be an amazing time of the book seeming to come to life.
Because the church’s pastor wanted the sessions to be Wednesday evenings but not on Ash Wed. nor on the day before Maundy Thur., I had to squeeze the 7 steps into only 5 evenings. I don’t recommend trying to do that. But even with that truncated schedule, the participants responded very well. After meditating, we had some lively discussions. I’ll describe these sessions in more detail in the next several postings.
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