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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Agape in LOUIS SAVARY & PATRICIA BERNE’s “Kything: the Art of Spiritual Presence”

Again, the word ‘agape’ is not used, but the subtitle is a clue that ‘kything’ can be interpreted as ‘sharing in the flow of agape,’ so whenever ‘love’ is used in that spiritual understanding, the word was changed to ‘agape.’

"By its very definition, kything is an agapic presence. Agape in its fullest sense leads to union, it creates a freely-established bond between you and the person with whom you share agape.
"The ability to forgive is really part of the spiritual energy of courage. The need for forgiveness surfaces when a relationship has been harmed. It takes courage to recognize and acknowledge the negative feelings caused by the other person and then take a further step, namely, to begin replacing these negative feelings with trust, compassion, caring, and working together. In order to go forward together successfully, it is also important that you accept the other person’s limitations of character and establish an agape relationship with that person as he or she is, not with the person you wish he or she were.
"Even after you have forgiven the other person, fear and mistrust as psychological feelings may still be present in you and need to be dealt with, but the spiritual energy of courage is a senior force that can carry you beyond your fear and anger in order to help re-create the broken relationship in a healthy, reality-based way.
"In forgiving people, you look beyond their offense and see their larger goodness. In having agape for them for their wholeness and their greater purpose in life, you can view their moment of brokenness as a step on their journey.
"In kything with such persons, you connect primarily with their spirit, their essence, their wholeness. You are in touch with a dimension of them that is much larger then their failures and hurtful actions.
"People have called cosmic consciousness by different names such as the unitive experience, the oceanic experience, divine perspective, the big picture. The point is that this spiritual energy gives you the capacity to look at your life and the world from a perspective that is much more cosmic in scope than your ego. Cosmic consciousness involves seeing your life not merely from the present moment but from a transcendent moment. When those with whom you kythe invite you to look at your life from the perspective of eternity, the way God looks at it, they are calling forth this spiritual energy in you. You can feel an integral part of a magnificent, living totality. When kything, it is this cosmic perspective, the unity of all things, that is seen as most important. The focus is on the network of relationships rather than on individual uniqueness. Because kything occurs in the domain of spirit, past, present, and future are equally in existence and available to my spirit.
"Ultimately, both sharing agape and kything are designed to help you transcend your limits and become consciously and spiritually one with the cosmos. The process of getting to that level of maximum consciousness is the challenging and rewarding work of spiritual growth. It is the work of a lifetime."

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