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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Agape in DESMOND TUTU’s “The Book of Forgiving”

The following quotes are from Bishop Desmond Tutu’s insightful reflection on his work confronting stark divisions among South African communities, The Book of Forgiving. And of course, his practical understanding of forgiveness was forged dealing with the long years of terrible suffering from the racism of South Africa. Because he is a bishop of the Church of England, in those places where he uses ‘love’ in a spiritual way that expresses the biblical ‘agape,’ the word was rendered as the ancient Greek word ‘agape,’ in keeping with biblical tradition.

“Before we could engage in any effort to earn God’s agape, it was given to us as gift.”

“We are created to live in agape and connection with one another. When there is a break in that connection, we must have a method of repair.

“True transformation is when we unleash the power of agape. We create an environment for positive change. 

“In each of us, there is an innate ability to create joy out of suffering, to find hope in the most hopeless of situations, to heal any relationship in need of healing.

“We all want to be free of the pain of living with a broken and unforgiving heart. We want to free ourselves of the corrosive emotions that threaten to burn away the agape and joy residing in us. We want to heal our broken places.

“I knew the only way I could go on living was to forgive the terrorists. In those moments, I knew that forgiveness was essential, so I forgave. There is already enough hate, we must send our agape and compassion. I knew that to respond with agape to an act of terror was the only way to triumph over terrorism.

“I have learned that my forgiveness required a deep level of acceptance of what had occurred. This does not mean agreement with or any kind of pardoning or condoning of the action that hurt me. It simply means acceptance of the reality of the situation and letting go of the incident, which cannot be changed.

“We live surrounded by so much agape, kindness, and trust that we forget it is remarkable. Forgiveness is the way to return what has been taken from us and restore the agape and kindness and trust that has been lost. Peace always comes to those who choose to forgive.

“Before compassion comes the willingness to feel compassion.

“If we are to help them, we must do so without reservation and from a place of agape and caring.”

“There is still a world of possibility, even when the worst thing happens that could possibly happen. Forgiveness gives me the capacity to contribute something of value—to create a positive outcome to a terrible tragedy.

“Our survival as a human race depends on it.

  1. For this meditation you will need to get still and centered.
  2. Find a quiet place to sit or lie comfortably.
  3. Follow your breath.
  4. Breathe in, visualize agape entering you like a golden light.
  5. With each inhalation, you will see the golden light begin to fill you from your toes to the top of your head.
  6. When you are filled, you radiate this agape outward effortlessly.”

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